Spam List: (Spamlists only) Block 261265 Registration Email Domains


New Member
The lists were compiled by combining a personal list with various online sources, none of which disallows use in a mod such as this. Therefore, brought to you is this spam list mod. You can add or remove entries from the spam list files. If you add an entry, make sure to add it as a lowercase entry.

The plugin takes care of the rest. The various spam list files range is size from about 4.0kb to around 0.4mb so be sure that you have enough memory available before installing this mod. The mod calls in the exemption list and one spam list file,
and unsets them as soon as possible to free memory. If an email address domain is on the exemption list, it is not blocked.

Should a user be blocked from registering at your forum, an email will be sent to your vB webmasteremail address and the user will see the vB banemail phrase message, so no screenshot of this mod is necessary. Everything is in alphabetical order so if you do not like the spam list files, just make your own set of files. Enjoy!

* Duplicates removed
* over 200 extra domains addes from orignal list
Thanks but can you explain more , I mean i have those files and there is file called do_not_block so if anyone registered with any of the domains which aren't in this file , will be banned ?
if yes so this system sucks , why: cuz there is something called now Buy a Domain and get Unlimmted free emails @yourdomain.w/e
If no so tell me how it works exactly