Spacing in textarea


Hi,<br />
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In a textarea, how do I avoid the double spacing when the user hits enter only once. It creates a real long email responder.<br />
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Thanks in advance for your help.<!--content-->you can try this to remove linefeed/carraige returns from textarea submissions:<br />
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<textarea name="blah" wrap="soft"></textarea><br />
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not sure what results you will get or what hitting the enter button once has to do with it but give it a try.<!--content-->Hey Kevin,<br />
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Thanks for the suggestion, but I am still getting double lines skipped for each carrigage return. Any other ideas would be welcome.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->if the form is being submitted to a server side script then you have to edit the script to remove the linefeeds\carraige returns (or newlines). This varies a little depending on the platform of the PC sending the data, but generally \r\n are the meta characters for linefeed\newline that is sent with the textarea if there is more than one line sent.<br />
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If you are not using a server side script maybe javascript can parse out the unwanted meta characters but I am not sure how to do it with javascript, but you can ask in the client side forum and hopefully someone will be able to assist you.<!--content-->