Spacing between rows making images break......HELP please! :)


Could somebody please help me?<br />
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I'm using Adobe Photoshop, and have designed a test page for my website. I've cut the images, and embeded them within a simple table. Between the two rows there is about a 2 pixel break, and it's making me nuts.<br />
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I had the topmargin, leftmargin marginheight and marginwidth commands all set, and they didn't help. I also tried several valign and align commands--didn't help.<br />
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Here's a link to the page. I'd use a target="_blank" command, but they don't allow html here.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks in advance for any help!!<br />
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William<!--content-->The first thing to do when sliced-and-tabled images don't fuse is to turn off soft-wrap in your text editor and get the <td>......</td> HTML all in a single, uninterrupted line - no breaks or unnecessary spaces. HTML parsers are supposed to ignore whitespace, but they don't, particularly with images. See if that works...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ebugs.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->looks fine for me in IE6, don't know if you have fixed it or not<!--content-->I was able to fix it. Thanks for the input guys.<br />
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Yes, I had been writing in notepad, and had text wrap set, so the </td> came on a seperate line!<br />
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I like it here....I think I'll stay! :D<!--content-->Good... your welcome.<!--content-->