

How do I add a certain amount of spaces to my web page?<br />
I know you can add the tag ;&nbsp,but lets say I want ten spaces. Is there a way to use less text rather than adding 10 ;&nbsp's?<!--content-->To make a space type this & n b s p ; ok. But put all of those letters together including the & and the ; all as one word, and when put together as one word that is the code for just one blank space. So if you wanted 10 blank spaces then you would have to do that 10 times ok. I'm sorry I didn't put the space code as one word, but the code doesn't show when you see it. I hope that's what you had meant by your spaces question :)<!--content-->There are at least three tricks to inserting multiple spaces. I'll use nbsp to represent the no-break space character in the first example. (I'm sure you know it actually begins with an ampersand and ends with a semi-colon.) Also, I'll use curly braces to represent tag braces.<br />
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1) alternate nbsp and normal spaces:<br />
<br />
"here are nbsp nbsp nbsp seven spaces."<br />
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2) use the {PRE} and {/PRE} preformat tags. This will stop HTML from collapsing all consecutive white space. It also sets the font to fixed-width. If you want a lot of spaces, fixed width is better anyway; it is wider than a proportional space.<br />
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3) set the font color to the background color. Assume you have already set the background to white:<br />
<br />
I will<br />
{font color=white}forceSpaces{/font}<br />
add a lot of space.<br />
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I wish HTML would have collapsed multiple spaces to 2 instead of 1. Then normal intersentence punctuation (with two spaces between sentences) would be easy to achieve for those who desire it. It is too late now though.<!--content-->Thanks peeps.<br />
I just used the pre tag. Exactly how I wanted it.<br />
Now I can continue with my web page.<!--content-->