spaces, page questions, url's ?


hi, sorry i am new, and i was wondering how you put spaces between objects in html, such as between 2 pictures? My second question is that i need to make a page that takes imput from the users and imputs it into some sort of form that refreshes after it recieves the information (to schedule stuff) how would id do this? my last question is is how do you assign urls to pages.<!--content-->Hi there MGoodrich,<br />
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You can find the answer to your first question here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=28893</a><!-- m -->):D <br />
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Questions two and three will be answered by the resident gurus :cool: <br />
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coothead<!--content-->coot, why did you link to this page again?<br />
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for question 2 you need serverside language for that. php, cgi, asp? what ver your server allows you to use.<br />
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for #1 you need to add this where you want a space &nbsp;<br />
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it is a non breaking space.<br />
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and what is #3? I don't understand?<!--content-->Sorry scoutt,<br />
I am having a bad week :confused: :confused: :confused: <br />
I meant to send MGoodrich here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=28893</a><!-- m -->) :o :o :o <br />
coothead<!--content-->hehe that is ok, we all have them sometimes, no harm done. :)<!--content-->The URL of the page is made up of your domain dame, the name of the folder in your web site that you put the file in, and the name of the file itself. You need to have a file in the root folder called index.htm or index.html as well. This is the file that browsers automatically load if the user only states the domain name of the site to be visited.<!--content-->