Space before closing tag bracket but not otherwise


New Member
In Eclipse I want:\[code\]<LinearLayout> <TextView android:id=blah/></LinearLayout>\[/code\]To be formatted as:\[code\]<LinearLayout> <TextView android:id=blah /></LinearLayout>\[/code\]Basically, to add a space before \[code\]/>\[/code\] but not before just \[code\]>\[/code\].Right now, I looked at Eclipse Preferences > Android > Editor at an option that says:\[quote\] Add a space before the > or /> in opening tags\[/quote\]This is almost what I want, but not quite. This SO question gets close to the issue but not quite. I have considered the second answer there of turning off the Android XML style and using Eclipses' solely, but don't know where to proceed from there.To be clear, this is not a matter of code working. I simply want to be able to \[code\]Ctrl + I\[/code\] the code and have it be laid out the same for all developers and want it to be laid out as described above.