Source Locker HTML JavaScript Encryptor


I had a program, well not really a program, but it came in a .zip file and the name of the program was called "Source Locker". What it did is you could take your entire webpage or just your JavaScript and put it in this program and encrypt it and then paste it into your webpage so some one couldn't decipher the codes. It was sent to me by the creator. My hard drive crashed about 5 months ago and I just now realized that I lost this valuable program. More detail. When you go to open the program it is listed as an html document not an .exe file and when it is opened it shows "Source Locker" and goes through some loading of things and then shows the box to enter your text in. If ANYONE can please help me I would greatly appreciate it. I have many programs if some one want to trade. I also have written a lockpick guide e-book that I will trade for this program. Any help would be appreciated. e-mail me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
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Thank you,<br />
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David<!--content-->no idea what the program your lucking for is...<br />
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but there are many online encryptor and freeware programs.<br />
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from a google search theres loads of results (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... +encryptor</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Don't use it. Search this forum for a few good debates on it.<!--content-->i fou want secure data and logins, do it server side. Java script is not secure because it is client side so you might as well not bother encrypting it because it can just get decrypted.<!--content-->Well... logins can be secure since they require interation with the user (e.g., usernmae and password). But anything meant to be automatic, such as automatically decrypting your source code for the browser is horribly insecure and it always will be couldn't decipher the codeszipposusa, if this is what the authors of the program told you then were hustled.<!--content-->if its encrypted its in what, unicode, ASCII? Because the browser still has to read it, it would have to be something like that. If its base2 base8 or base16 or any other numeric encryption like that I can do it by hand, it isnt hard. Or I can write a simple algorythm in vb to decrypt it for me. Encryption of code is really a silly way to try to protect data.<!--content-->if its encrypted its in what, unicode, ASCII? base2 base8 or base16 or any other numeric encryption like thatThose are all methods of encoding, not encrypting. In my last post I had said interaction with the user was required. Such as password. Which could then be used as the key for decryption. And since the key is provided by the user it does not need to be within the source code.Encryption of code is really a silly way to try to protect dataOnly if you don't do it correctly. But then, the wrong is a silly way of doing anything.<!--content-->Oh, I thought we were talking about encoding source code to hide things like for a java script password or something so you could hide a url in your source that a user would be redirected to, or something along those lines.<!--content-->I thought we were talking about encoding source code to hide things like for a java script password or something so you could hide a url in your source that a user would be redirected to, or something along those linesWell, that is sorta what I was talking about if I understood you correctly. Storing encrypted content and only decrypting and displaying that content if the correct password is given.<!--content-->Well I thought the content was just encoded in certain sections in ascii or unicode, but the browser can still read it but it is designed so that we can't... :rolleyes:. I was a little off in my thinking, I was not thinking password encrpying. But why not just use an https login then if you are going to go through the lengths of encryption to make it secure, why not just actually make it secure :rolleyes:<!--content-->But why not just use an https login then if you are going to go through the lengths of encryption to make it secureOnly because we were discussing client-side methods. I myself have never used it in any real scenario. I developed it only to show that it could be done.why not just actually make it secureIf fact, it is actually secure. Same as the security of the HTTPS protocol, the security of the system relies on the security of the cryptosystem. If that algorithm was written by a Web developer assuming they could do just as good a job as a cryptographer then it probably would not be secure. The implementation I developed uses the Rijndael algorithm, which is the FIPS approved advanced encryption standard.<!--content-->I think zipposusa is just talking about encrypting his/her source code, not a password.<!--content-->I know. In my initial post I had said that a login was possible, but simply hiding your source code was not.<!--content-->Encrypting or hiding a source code is just NOT DONE. Some countries may even ban your website if you do. Check out this great article at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. />
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Cheers, Jochem :cool:<!--content-->What's the point in hiding code? Then people like US can't go to your website and steal it! :( I must admit, is is tempting. But it isn't really hidden, since the browser can read it. So you can never totally hide it, and passwords won't be secure.<!--content-->Originally posted by clairec666 <br />
Then people like US can't go to your website and steal it!If they are trying to hide their code, odds are real good you do not want to see it anyway. Have you noticed - most (if not all) of the sites that attempt (and miserably fail) to hide the source code suck?<!--content-->the people that try to hide source code are usually novice developers who think they are hot stuff, othen they do not know how to get around their own scripts so they think they are secure. This is just what I have seen from my experience. It is always fun to go to a website that goes through extreme methods (no right click, blocked toolbars , etc) to try to hide the coce, then visit it on firebird w/ java script turned off (the most conveiniant of the many ways to get around scripts like this) and copy their code and email it to them.<!--content-->"copy their code and email it to them" :D<br />
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Guess that should close this thread. Funny that the guy who started it didn't participate in it at all.<br />
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Cheers, Jochem :cool:<!--content-->Well, guys, very interesting discussion. Let me add one thing. I agree that "encrypting" source code in HTML is useless, what I like though is "encoding". I just hate thinking that some bastard would just copy my code I've been toiling on for so long. What I mostly mean is just making it hard to copy and alter - not to read password off or a link. I also agree that using Java script to encode web page is not the best option -- I tried once then to discover my page doesn't load correctly on web browsers other than IE.<br />
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I've stumbled upong this handy scrambling program and I've been using it since then. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.php?what=ScrEnc What I like about it is that it can encode both java and HTML without any sophisticated Java Script insertions. Very simple.<!--content-->Thank you everyone for your input. I finally found the program I was looking for directly from the creator. It wasn't built for login or password protect. It was just something to encrypt web pages so people had a harder time taking pictures and such. Thank you, David<!--content-->