Source Control for White Label Common-Codebase Websites? [closed]


New Member
Which Source Control tools would be applicable to use for the following scenario please?A white-label system with multiple website (ftp) accounts on one server, where everything should be under CVS for safety, and that supports:
  • a common PHP/JS/HTML/CSS codebase,
  • files customised to each setup (e.g. CSS),
  • files unique to each account (for custom features).
The code would need to be edited locally, by several contributors, and synchronised with test account(s) on the server for development, prior to uploading the release changes to the live ftp accounts.For example, a white label Wiki where each account is 90% similar, but with their own theme/style files and a few code modifications, (and separate MySQL database).I would find experienced advise extremely useful to help me in choosing the best solution for the task. I would like to find a suitable tool that I can use to combine the shared codebase but still allow for varying file differences, without having to manage each account completely separately, and I am not sure which software would suit this functionality. Any suggested applications would be greatly appreciated, and I can research them further.