Source code shows with Netscape.


The home page is O.K. with Netscape (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) BUT all the other pages show ONLY the source code.<br />
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Works fine with Internet Explorer.<br />
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What could be the problem?<br />
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THX & God Bless!<!--content-->Hi, I visited your "2nd-page" and found there is no <html>,<head>,meta tags, </head> or opening <body> tags!! These will be the source of your problem. You might want to check your other pages also.<br />
Good luck<!--content-->The .htm was missing from my other pages.<br />
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It makes a page address "too long".<br />
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How can I get away from it (.htm)?<br />
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With Internet Explorer's browser they're NOT needed.<br />
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THX & God Bless!<!--content-->what do you mean, it makes the address to long?<br />
Is there such a thing? I mean somethinging like 4000 charecters is apporaching the limit...<!--content-->