sound on the web.

need sound code help frist thing I am joekid54 and would like to say Hi to all members I am new to all of this. I have run in to a problem I dont undersatnt I have a small web site I just put up for my Family (1st one) and I put some back ground music on it my family cane hear the music but I can and I put some slide shows on it with sound well they can hear the music on the slide shows. but I cant hear it we all use IE6 broswer can any one tell me whats going on I just dont undersatnd it at all. thank you for your help. I just hope this is posted in the right place.<!--content-->whoa bud, take a breathe :)<br />
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do you have a url to show us? not sure I understand, you can hear it but your family can't?<!--content-->i think what he means is that the bgsound is only playing on HIS computer and dosent work when his family try to listen on the internet..... or at least i hope thats what he means.<br />
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if this is the case maybe the link to the soundfile is incorrect, have you uploaded the soundfile, if you have do you have the link correct and if you have that right aswell i havn't got a clue lol.<br />
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sorry i couldnt be much more help to you<br />
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Joe<!--content-->Did you use this code<br />
<br />
<bgsound src="soundfilehere" autostart=true loop=n><br />
n=number of times to play it and -1 makes it infinite<br />
autostart=true makes it strt automatically<br />
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any way that will work for ie6 i am trying to find a code that will work for both ie and netscape but not the <br />
<embed src="soundfilehere" height=0 width=0 autostart=true loop=-1><br />
if anyone can help me on that i would very much appreciate it.<!--content-->Originally posted by karallys <br />
Did you use this code<br />
<br />
<bgsound src="soundfilehere" autostart=true loop=n><br />
n=number of times to play it and -1 makes it infinite<br />
autostart=true makes it strt automatically<br />
<br />
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any way that will work for ie6 i am trying to find a code that will work for both ie and netscape but not the <br />
<embed src="soundfilehere" height=0 width=0 autostart=true loop=-1><br />
if anyone can help me on that i would very much appreciate it. <br />
the embed tag is the only one to use. there is no other one.<br />
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besides, th tloop=-1 is incorrect, it should be loop=no for no loop and loop=yes for yes.<br />
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but you should never loop sound or you should never hide the controls from your surfer. if they can't turn it off they will leave.<!--content-->hello scoutt my url is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://joekid54.tripod.comwhat">http://joekid54.tripod.comwhat</a><!-- m --> I was saying in on the sound I use the bgsound src= <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I can hear the music on it but on the slide shows it use a nother code that I can't hear but my sisters can hear the music on it.?????I just don't understand why I can hear the bgsound= code but they can't but they can hear the music on the slide shows and I can't. I hope you can understand what I am saying. I do wan't you thank you for taking the time to try to help me<!--content-->Scoutt I am sory about linking the what you my url its <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I hear the music just fine.<!--content-->I heard it too.... did they have there speakers on or the volume up some cause that was very quite and i had to turn my volume up a little to hear it though.<!--content-->why cant i view the source?!<br />
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:(<br />
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the problem may be that becuase of the file extension you are using, the client needs quicktime to hear the sound (most people have it, but some, like me, dont run it on startup)<!--content-->Greg, the file is a .mid which is a midi, not quicktime. and quicktime is a plugin in the4 brwoser so it doesn't have to start up when you start.<br />
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bodyguard.mid<br />
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that is what's playing.<br />
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I can view the source no problem.<!--content-->I hope this is'ent to unfair of me to ask. I fix a link to go to my slide shows so you can see if you can hear the music on it this is the one my sisters can hear and I can't the page you check out ( my front page ) I can hear the music on it but my sisters can't the only ones they can hear is on the slide have to click on the frist picture to start the show. if you don't have the time thats ok you all have done enuff for me and I do thank you for it. just click on the enter buttom and it will take you right to the shows.<!--content-->dude, you need to start using the period in your sentences. I can't understand you when you don't.<br />
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I hear the music just fine on the slideshow page.<!--content-->hey scoutt. sorry about that. I want to thank every one for there help. thank you a bunch..joekid54<!--content-->