Sound (mp3) in site


How do I embed sound in my website?<br />
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I know it can be done via quicktime's embed function. But, I want compatability (seems that lotsa ppl dun hv QT).<br />
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My file is an MP3<!--content-->quicktimes embed function? what is that?<br />
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you can use the embed tag or the object tag. those are the only 2<!--content-->With QuickTime, there are options to loop, show player commands etc.<br />
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So, how exactly should I code it?<br />
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music.mp3<br />
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correct? And it will autoplay!<!--content-->Convert the mp3 into windows media audio format and embed a windows media player in your page.Most people have windows media player.<br />
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You can get the free windows media encoder here - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... coder.aspx</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Originally posted by pip2110 <br />
With QuickTime, there are options to loop, show player commands etc.<br />
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So, how exactly should I code it?<br />
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music.mp3<br />
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correct? And it will autoplay! <br />
sorry there is no such thing. it is all 1 tag. the <embed> tag. and no you don't have it correct.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks for the help!<!--content-->Have a look at my site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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When I first embedded my sounds, I only did the <EMBED> and the first friend I sent there (not particularly technically minded) said "it doesn't play." It took me about 10 minutes to find out what was actually going on, I figure she had an old version of windows/media player which doesn't have mp3 support, or has winamp as the default player which (may?) mess up with some things.<br />
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So what I did was put the <EMBED> and then have a "if this doesn't play, click here" with just the file there.<br />
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It's also good because 'power users' can save your music file easily instead of wasting your bandwidth Download <!--more-->ing it all the time. Ok, not power users as they'd just fish it from the temp internet files, but moderately tech people at least.<br />
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You really can't expect users to solve their problems themselves, as I've found.<!--content-->