Sorting XML with a namespace


New Member
Most of the examples I've found on sorting an XML query do not include a namespace. Some of them do, but I'm not finding any example of performing a query and sorting when there is a namespace.\[code\] <Search xmlns=""> <BinSet Type="Category"> <Bin> <BinName>Clothing</BinName> <BinItemCount>804</BinItemCount> <BinParameter> <Name>Category</Name> <Value>Women's Apparel</Value> </BinParameter></Bin> <Bin> <BinName>Tools</BinName> <BinItemCount>126</BinItemCount> <BinParameter> <Name>Category</Name> <Value>Tools, handtools and hardware</Value> </BinParameter></Bin></BinSet></Search>\[/code\]I don't have any control of the XML, so I have to deal with the namespace. Also, There are approximately 50 of these records in the XML and it is only part of a much larger XML file. \[code\]Dim nsuri as string = ""Dim xpath as string = "dd:Search/dd:BinSet[Type="Category"]/*"Dim nav As XPathNavigator = doc.CreateNavigator()Dim exp As XPathExpression = nav.Compile(xpath)Dim nsmgr As New XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable)nsmgr.AddNamespace("dd", nsuri)exp.SetContext(nsmgr)exp.AddSort("BinParameter/Value", XmlSortOrder.Ascending, XmlCaseOrder.UpperFirst, "en-US", XmlDataType.Text)' now process in sorted orderDim iterator As XPathNodeIterator = nav.Select(exp)While iterator.MoveNext Dim nav2 As XPathNavigator = iterator.Current.Clone nav2.MoveToFirstChild() Debug.WriteLine(nav2.Value) End While\[/code\]All of the examples I've seen show how to sort on the immediate child nodes, for example BinName or BinItemCount in my example XML. But I need all of this information and I need to sort on the BinParameter/Value node. I've tried every way I can think of...One last thing to note, I don't really care to use an XPathNodeIterator or XPathNavigator when all is said and done. Previously I was returning an XmlNodeList with all these records and my calling routine would traverse the nodelist to form links, like this:\[code\]<a href="">Tools, handtools and hardware (126)</a><a href="">Women's Apparel (804)</a>\[/code\]Does anyone know how to sort this XML by the nested child node "Value" using a namespace? Also, would you know the quickest way to return the sorted results in an XmlNodeList or other .Net object so that I can have access to all of the values: BinName, BinItemCount, Name and Value? I'm not familiar with XPathNavigator or XPathNodeIterator.Thank you.