Sorting Mulitdemensional Array PHP


New Member
I have the following array, it is currently created sorted by entity_count (outputted by a query done in cakephp - I only wanted the top few entities), I want to now sort the array for the Entity->title.I tried doing this with \[code\]array_multisort\[/code\] but failed. Is this possible?\[code\]Array( [0] => Array ( [Entity] => Array ( [title] => Orange ) [0] => Array ( [entitycount] => 76 ) ) [1] => Array ( [Entity] => Array ( [title] => Apple ) [0] => Array ( [entitycount] => 78 ) ) [2] => Array ( [Entity] => Array ( [title] => Lemon ) [0] => Array ( [entitycount] => 85 ) ))\[/code\]