Sorting a for-each using another node set with a common id

KaLaM eL3ieN

New Member
I'm hoping to sort a table generated by a for-each. The data which determins the sort is not contained within the for-each node set, but is instead contained within . There is a common_id between the node set and the node set. I've tried assigning the common_id to a local variable within the for-each but the sort cannot see it. Is there a way to achieve this? Some examples below.Example XML\[code\]<root> <seq> <common_id>B1U3</common_id> <seq_data>1</seq_data> </seq> <seq> <common_id>R3D</common_id> <seq_data>3</seq_data> </seq> <seq> <common_id>Y3110W</common_id> <seq_data>2</seq_data> </seq> <detail> <common_id>Y3110W</common_id> <other_data>spame</other_data> </detail> <detail> <common_id>B1U3</common_id> <other_data>spamo</other_data> </detail> <detail> <common_id>R3D</common_id> <other_data>spama</other_data> </detail></root>\[/code\]Required Output\[code\]____________________________ |Common Id |Other Data||---------------|----------||B1U3 |spama ||Y3110W |spame ||R3d |spamo ||_______________|__________|\[/code\]Current XSLT\[code\]<xsl:template match="/"> <table> <tr> <td>Common ID</td> <td>Other Data</td> </tr> <xsl:for-each select="detail"> <xsl:variable name="local_id" select="common_id"/> <xsl:sort select="../seq[common_id = $local_id]/seq_data"/> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="common_id"/></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="other_data"/></td> </tr> </xsl:for-each> </table></xsl:template>\[/code\]