New Member
Hello Ali:Try:getAppletContext().showDocument(url);where the url you pass in is taken from the invisibleHTMLLink.In all honesty, you're probably better off just creating a URL in code thanusing the component. In your event code:URL url;try{url = new URL(urlString);}catch(MalformedURLException mfe){//handle exception here}getAppletContext().showDocument(url);Just remember to import the URL and MalformedURLException classes from thejava.net package.HTH,Tom Duffy"Ali Imran" <[email protected]> wrote:>>I am using Visual Cafe to Develop an Applet..>>Now I have a situation where I devlop a HyperLink and when somebody click>on that It will forwarded to that page.>>I am using invisibleHTMLlink AWT Control to do that...>>Now the Problem is in mycoding I am using actionPerformed event>so when it's clicked browser will forward you to that location.>>Can andbody tell me the exact method to call??>>Or is there any other way to do that?>>>