Sorry Guys, SIZE DOES MATTER . . .


New Member
This is the html output -- originally from a classic asp form, (the table is populated from sql). As an asp page, the form is within an 800X600 Window. But I have changed the code to DOTNET and now this part of the form runs off the screen -- the last column. TO DEBUG, I have saved this output as HTML, and it stays within the borders; I saved it as ASP it stays within the borders; however, if I save this output as DOTNET, then the last column runs off the page. WEIRD. SO I know it something about DOTNET.<BR><BR>ANYBODY SEE WOULD Misbehave?<BR><BR><BR><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="750"><BR> <tr><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Item</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Tag<BR>Number</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Description</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Unit Price</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Qty</td><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Budget Code</td><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader" colspan="2">Delivery Date</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Item Total</td> <BR> </tr><BR> <tr><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader">Drawing</td><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader">Equipment</td><BR> </tr><BR> <tr> <BR><BR><BR><BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="item" value="1" size="1"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="tagnumber1" value="2" size="6"><BR> <input type="hidden" name="taghidden1" value="2"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="center" type="text" name="equipmentdesc1" value="Letter Z?&nbsp;" size="38" maxlength="200"></td><BR> <td align="right"><input class="right" type="text" name="unitprice1" value="$23.99" size="8"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="quantity1" value="2" size="3"></td><BR> <BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="budgetcode1" size="8" value=""></td><BR><BR> <td align="center"><input class="center" type="text" name="drawdeldate1" value="2/2/2003" size="8"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="center" type="text" name="equipdeldate1" value="2/2/2003" size="8"></td><BR><BR> <td align="right"><input class="right" type="text" name="itemtotal1" value="$47.98" size="8"></td><BR> <BR> </tr>hth<BR>mattThe close table got cut off by accident in this post. It is in fact on the page I am changing the extension of . . .<BR><BR><BR><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="750"><BR> <tr><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Item</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Tag<BR>Number</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Description</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Unit Price</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Qty</td><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Budget Code</td><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader" colspan="2">Delivery Date</td><BR> <td align="center" nowrap class="POHeader" rowspan="2">Item Total</td> <BR> </tr><BR> <tr><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader">Drawing</td><BR> <td align="center" class="POHeader">Equipment</td><BR> </tr><BR> <tr> <BR><BR><BR><BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="item" value="1" size="1"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="tagnumber1" value="2" size="6"><BR></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="center" type="text" name="equipmentdesc1" value="Letter Z?zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&nbsp;" size="38" maxlength="200"></td><BR> <td align="right"><input class="right" type="text" name="unitprice1" value="$23.99" size="8"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="quantity1" value="2" size="3"></td><BR> <BR> <td align="center"><input class="right" type="text" name="budgetcode1" size="8" value=""></td><BR><BR> <td align="center"><input class="center" type="text" name="drawdeldate1" value="2/2/2003" size="8"></td><BR> <td align="center"><input class="center" type="text" name="equipdeldate1" value="2/2/2003" size="8"></td><BR><BR> <td align="right"><input class="right" type="text" name="itemtotal1" value="$47.98" size="8"></td><BR> <BR> </tr><BR> </table>You know that both asp classic and tables are wider than 750px. It just so happens that asp classic is a little closer to the truth.<BR><BR>Here's what I have used before to maintain the exact dimensions of a table.<BR>I like to use styles, so I add a style to the table like this:<BR>style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed"<BR><BR><colgroup><BR><col width="135"><BR><col width="155"><BR><col width="210"><BR></colgroup><BR><BR>Be sure that the widths add up to your desired 750 table width.<BR><BR>hth<BR>mattDotNet Reads the Size="x" larger than Norm.<BR><BR>In the <input type="text" size="50"> .<BR> <BR><BR>Any suggestions?