someone with IE and a mac...

Please check out my site and tell me why there is space on the right side of the upper right frame, and (in some cases) a scroll bar on the bottom of the lower right frame. The page works fine in every other type of browser I've tested it in so far... IE6 - Windows, Netscape - Win, Safari - Mac. <br />
<br />
here's the link:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I can check tomorrow some time. If I don't reply back tomorrow, private message me as a reminder :)<br />
<br />
I've got access to MacOS9 with IE5.0 and 5.1, OS X with 5.1 and 5.2.<!--content-->Yes, I see both problems.<br />
<br />
Normally I would say it might the the difference in the way IE and Netscape show tables, but it looks like you are using frames. <br />
<br />
Sorry I can't be of more help!<!--content-->i cant see any of your problems because the window exceeds my screen resolution(800px x 600px).....<br />
always make sure your site is compatiable with all screen resolutions!<br />
-Dan<!--content-->I know I should make it compatible with all resolutions, but 800x600 is such a small damn space... so annoying, I just put a message on the title page saying minimum res is 1024x768, sorry to the people using the huge super mario land resolutions.<!--content-->Decided to post here instead of PMing you back. I looked at the source code for your upper frame that contained the image map. I did see a gap on the right side of the top image. The funny thing is, the image is 698 pixels wide, and you are placing it in a 690 pixel wide space.<br />
<br />
I would try putting all of your HTML in the BODY tag on one line. Browsers sometimes do strange things when you add spaces, carriage returns, and tabs around image tags and text, even though most of those whitespace characters are supposed to be ignored.<br />
<br />
Another blight on your pop-up window, I can't see the bottom of the window on a 1024 X 768 display on Win2k, period. Whether I have the taskbar on or not. :(<br />
<br />
You may also want to try putting in a full doctype tag like the one below:<br />
<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""><br />
<br />
This will pop IE5/Mac, IE6 windows and every other browser released after year 2k (minus IE5.x/windows) in to standards compliance mode. That might take care of the problem.<br />
<br />
Also, add padding: 0; to your body tag style rules. Opera 6 seems to add padding to the body tag instead of margins.<br />
<br />
The extra gap may also be a result of the scroll bars that appear in your lower frame in IE5/mac. Again, apply the doctype tag I gave above to force the browser into standards mode. Add the padding: 0; to the body tag style declaration (just in case). <br />
<br />
In the <blockquote> tag that encapsulates all you text in the lower frame, add the following CSS rules:<br />
<br />
#mainContent {<br />
overflow: auto;<br />
height: ##px; /* Replace the 2 hash signs with the heigh in pixels you want */<br />
width: ##px; /* Ditto the comment above */<br />
}<br />
<br />
In HTML<br />
<br />
<blockquote id="mainContent"><br />
...<br />
</blockquote><br />
<br />
<br />
Let me know if that helps.<!--content-->