
For two days and nights I have tried to find out what is wrong with my web page. I sad and angry and now even my dog won't come near me. Someone PLEASE HELP ME. I am a total beginner. I am doing my page on AOL hometown. I can edit my page. I cand preview my page, but I CAN NOT SEE MY PAGE WHEN I USE THE ADDRESS, only the backgroung appears and a few letters further down the page. HELP ME PLEASE.<!--content-->Take a deep breath and post again. Probably the problem isn't all that hard to solve, once you get your nerves under control.<br />
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Try something along the following lines:<br />
"My URL is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.someserver/username/mypage.htm">www.someserver/username/mypage.htm</a><!-- w --><br />
Will someone take a look and see what the problem is?"<!--content-->Thank you for your kind words. My page is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. Could you please have a look and tell me whats wrong.<!--content-->I got this from hometown <br />
<br />
Sorry, We Can't Find That Page<br />
You might try retyping the URL, or searching below<br />
<br />
<br />
Sorry , <br />
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You could try another free webhost to test your page <br />
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Do a search in this forum : free webhost for this<br />
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Good luck<!--content-->We don't know what your page is supposed to look like, but when I view the page I see lots of stuff.<br />
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A welcome image, a flag, a paragraph, an image of a band, and some more stuff below that.<br />
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What browser are you using? I assume the AOL browser. I can see the page with IE5 and Netscape6.<br />
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(huythuy, the URL is bad because of the period on the end of the link that Dean posted.)<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->oh yeah :) i didn't see it <br />
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I saw exactly as kevin said , nothing strange<!--content-->Thanks everyone my page is working, cause my missus helped me. Got to go and show my gratitude now.<!--content-->You might want to exchange the 300 kb BMP image on the front page for a slimmer GIF or JPG!<!--content-->I guess I still cannot find it. Am I the only one?<!--content-->The page is there, I can see it at this URL:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Kevin<!--content-->what is the address? send it to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->