Some Tactics to Increase Traffic to your Blog


New Member
First of all Concentrate on Title. Write Title Tags keeping audience in mind.
You are writing Tags for the people who will cisit your blog. They should attracted by the title.
Try to answer all the queries of your visitors. So that you will get good return visitors to your blog.
When you link out in your blog posts, use conversion where ever it is applicable.
Submit your blog in all major blog directories in the right category.
One of the popular Blog directories are Blog Catalog, blogged, bloggeries, ontoplist.
Because these sites have high traffic. Nice Tips. I want to add some more tips..

- Share on social networking websites and forums.
- Update your blog regularly with good content.
- Blog directory submissions and Search engine submissions will also help you to gain good traffic. The title’s click through rate impacts greatly in your page’s ranking. Adwords claim to count CTR 60% in determining your ad ranking and click cost. And If Adwords can do that, you can assume organic search will not be that far different.

This is kind of like you going to the bookstore looking for a good book. You decide what book genre you want to buy and go to that section. You then sift through the shelf and look for the title that “jumps” at you and read its synopsis to decide if it’s worth buying or not. After sometime, the bookstore decides which books are the “best sellers” based on people’s choice and rank them on the list of its bestsellers.

What will make the readers click on your page will depend on your title and the meta description (or the book synopsis). So you would want your titles to be attractive for the readers to make it “jump” at the surfers/readers and make them click on the page when the meta description reflect to what they really want when they search for that keyword (make sure it doesn’t exceed 150 words)

To keep your readers as your regular visitors, you have to think about what their biggest dreams and frustrations are and write quality content to solve those concerns.

Offer to teach something to your reader (How to lose weight in 14 days without giving up your favorite food)
Appeal to their self-interest and be direct (Quit your day job and Earn $5,000 every week)
Solve your readers problems (How to fire-up your marriage and go back to your honeymoon phase once again)
Use the why approach that solve your readers problems (5 Reasons why Link Wheel service is Great for your business even after Panda Update)
Ask intriguing questions while taking advantage of the season (Is rewarding your kid a video game gadget this Christmas a good idea?) an active and passionate blogger can fetch a lot of traffic, good content with regular posting always attracts the visitors, so be an active user and write with passion. Quote: Originally Posted by powerofcollege First of all Concentrate on Title. Write Title Tags keeping audience in mind.
You are writing Tags for the people who will cisit your blog. They should attracted by the title.
Try to answer all the queries of your visitors. So that you will get good return visitors to your blog.
When you link out in your blog posts, use conversion where ever it is applicable.
Submit your blog in all major blog directories in the right category.
One of the popular Blog directories are Blog Catalog, blogged, bloggeries, ontoplist.
Because these sites have high traffic. Yes you right, the methods you have mentioned are most common should done to increasing web traffic to blog I had written a blog post on how to increase traffic to your website most of these tips are also applicable to blogs. Here's the link if you wanna look. Does anyone get good traffic through create a