Wondering if anyone can make sense of this. Or sees what I see.
I bought www.itsalesquestions.com and was on the top of Page 2 of Google for "IT sales questions" within a few days (# 1 for "IT sales").
That's fine but today when I search for "IT sales questions" (I'm using Chrome) something weird happens. Page 1 results don't show my site. Page 2, which previously did, doesn't either. And so on. BUT:
if I go back to page 1 of the search results, THERE IT IS. #1. Top of the list.
So...does anyone have a theory to explain what's going on?
Thanks!! I find it at the top of 1 with quotes and the bottom of 1 without. Thanks for looking. Seems to be appearing #1 for me now all the time and in different browsers. I just put the quotes in to separate the search phrase from the rest of the sentence. I find your website on top 1 using the keyword "IT sales questions" (yes with quotation mark) http://prntscr.com/3pozd
And still on page one with the keyword IT sales questions (w/o quotation mark) http://prntscr.com/3pp0r
I don't have explanation though, sorry Spot #9 here on google.com using the Google Toolbar.
Are you logged into Google?
Do you have Web History turned off? I use firefox
China ip
ranking 9 on google.com I'm using chrome and you are at 9th position, no issues. Yes i experienced the same Google search . It really makes some difference in it, Want to more what main thing in it.Is there any other wayh to catch it out.Is it due to some sort of google updation etc The difference between results relates to locations. When you search from different locations or using different browsers that you signed in to your gmail account in some of them and not signed in to some others, you see different results and its natural and you can be relaxed about it because it doesn't relate to your website, its Google algorithm for ranking results. I can see two reasons for this...
1. Google has slapped some sort of penalty to your website.
2. When you were checking your ranking (when your website was ranking on the top) you were getting personalized results.
I bought www.itsalesquestions.com and was on the top of Page 2 of Google for "IT sales questions" within a few days (# 1 for "IT sales").
That's fine but today when I search for "IT sales questions" (I'm using Chrome) something weird happens. Page 1 results don't show my site. Page 2, which previously did, doesn't either. And so on. BUT:
if I go back to page 1 of the search results, THERE IT IS. #1. Top of the list.
So...does anyone have a theory to explain what's going on?
Thanks!! I find it at the top of 1 with quotes and the bottom of 1 without. Thanks for looking. Seems to be appearing #1 for me now all the time and in different browsers. I just put the quotes in to separate the search phrase from the rest of the sentence. I find your website on top 1 using the keyword "IT sales questions" (yes with quotation mark) http://prntscr.com/3pozd
And still on page one with the keyword IT sales questions (w/o quotation mark) http://prntscr.com/3pp0r
I don't have explanation though, sorry Spot #9 here on google.com using the Google Toolbar.
Are you logged into Google?
Do you have Web History turned off? I use firefox
China ip
ranking 9 on google.com I'm using chrome and you are at 9th position, no issues. Yes i experienced the same Google search . It really makes some difference in it, Want to more what main thing in it.Is there any other wayh to catch it out.Is it due to some sort of google updation etc The difference between results relates to locations. When you search from different locations or using different browsers that you signed in to your gmail account in some of them and not signed in to some others, you see different results and its natural and you can be relaxed about it because it doesn't relate to your website, its Google algorithm for ranking results. I can see two reasons for this...
1. Google has slapped some sort of penalty to your website.
2. When you were checking your ranking (when your website was ranking on the top) you were getting personalized results.