Some questions


Hi all,<br />
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OK I'm going to put some questions which I hope some of you can answer. I curently have a web site but I don't really like phpnuke and some of the other CMS don't fit my needs so I'm going to push myself to the limit and hopfully build the site I want myself (with help from people like you). So what am I looking for ?<br />
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Well I would still like to keep some parts of the site for registered members, so some kind of log in system would be required were I could dictate what part of the site is for members only but I would not like to lose any links to people viewing the site.<br />
Also I would like to keep the layout of the site looking professional but seeing I don'y have an artistic bone in my body I was wondering if there were any really good FREE templates avalable.<br />
I would also like a news manager were I can post news and it will make the changes without me needing to change anything, also I would like it a store all news too.<br />
I would also like some kind of feedback form so people can send me there thoughts of the site as well as a recommend us section.<br />
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Now I alreay have a forum up and running so thats no problem as its easly transfered to the new site. I also have a Download <!--more-->s manager from phparena so thats no problem and I also have a reviews and FAQ's managment system.I also have a weblinks systems too.<br />
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As you can see my requests are pritty big but I hope I can make the site work.<br />
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Anyway thanks in advance....:)<!--content-->I know FrontPage has some templates you can mess around with if you can't make one on your own. If you want to try messing around on your own, I personally recommend Photoshop, you can make very attractive images pretty easily with it.<!--content-->Have you looked at the script at the HotScripts (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) directory? You'll find a member login script there!<br />
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Regarding the template, look around at free template directories, here's 2 of them:<br />
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- <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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