Some People Can't Access My Site


Recently I have had problems with several members of my forums not being able to access my site.<br /><br />it's a IPB2.1.4 forum inside MKportal, though I have just tied viewing outside the portal same problem.<br /><br />I am concerned that it may be a hosting issue, so is anyone else using the same set up, that way I can point people there to check, if they work then it's my site, if not then I may have to move hosting, which would be a crying shame as this is the best place I've found.<br /><br />Thanks in advance.<!--content-->
error message?<!--content-->
I just tried your site and had no problem reaching your portal or the forum. <br />Since some ppl can get to your site while others can't I would think its a routing issue rather than a hosting issue.<!--content-->
I have no problem accessing your forum. If it were a hosting issue then it should have an effect on every visitor. If it is just some users then it is either the site or the setup or as Curtis says it might be routing that those visitors are using.<br /><br />Does it happen all the time for those users or every so often? Can they access the rest of your site?<!--content-->
No problems accessing from here either.<!--content-->
Loads fine fo me<br />I would say its a temporary routing issue.<br />Have you had the same problem or is it just some people form one area.<!--content-->
It's 4 people one in the UK 3 in the states, using it from work, one of the guys in the states got his IT department to get it working, the IT guys got it working there end but couldn't make it work for him.<br /><br />I lost China 6 months back where I had some very active members.<br /><br />I tried SMF for a time and that was really bad, working differently for different people, something to do with the server set up this end and .htaccess files or something.<br /><br />The error is Access Denied, which makes it seem that their security software if taking it out, yet it used to work for all of them till I upgraded IPB, which is why I want to see if the same configuration is being used by someone else here, then I can see if it's software, router or their security software.<br /><br />And yes I know how barmy routing can get, we have a Yahoo page that has been updated for but on Mac running through BT they see the old one and have for 4 months, on PCs no problem and on Mac on other providers no problems, so I know it's not an exact science, I just want to run down as many possabilities as possible <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />Thanks for all your held to date<!--content-->
What does their traceroute look like? <br /><br />Also, what is there IP, if you PM me, I'll have a look from the server to them - to see if it's any problem there.<!--content-->
I'll email the request on and let you know the responce - thanks<!--content-->
I was able to get in a look around, I might join, I really miss roleplaying campains.. The only thing I noticed that was not working, and you might already know this, is that I could not get into any of the inchat rooms, I got a:<br /><br />Not Found<br />The requested URL /forum/chat/flashchat.php was not found on this server.<br /><br />Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. <br /><br />not sure if this is a problem being worked on..<br /><br />But great looking site, I will have to look at it more later.<!--content-->
Yep, the chat is being worked on, I lost Flashchat when I upgraded the portal, need to put it back.<br /><br />OK, I have a couple of IP addresses<br /><br /><i><br />That is the first one after I get through my network<br />Perhaps if they can do a backward trace and see if it gets locked up at the one I did.<br />That number is<br /></i><br /><br />He is getting a time out error rather than access denied, which makes it even odder...<!--content-->
Hello,<br /><br />I am in the UK and the page loads fine. I would not worry about China as the govenment seems to block many sites there.<br /><br />People not being able to reach your site might often be a to a routing problem, cache problem or the fact they are behind a company firewall which is blocking your website for whatever reasons that company thinks is best.<br /><br />I can reach and by tracert<br /><br />Jimuni<!--content-->