In w2k server system,PHP 5.03 zip package was extract to "c:\php" folder,modified "php.ini" file and IIS 6.0's setting.
when I restarted win2k,show this box:"PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\php\ext\php_curl.dll'- the module not found",then click "OK",presented some same quesions like php_mhash.dll,php_msql,php_mysql.dll....
I can not solve to the problem,seeking helps.Hi,
some of the PHP extensions need other dlls. There's a file in the zip package named install.txt that contains a list of the extensions and which dlls they depend on.
Copy these dlls (they are in the PHP root directory) to the system32 directory. Then restart the web server.
Thomasif you have the correct extension_dir setting in php.ini then you need not copy the extension to php root/windows system directory
when I restarted win2k,show this box:"PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\php\ext\php_curl.dll'- the module not found",then click "OK",presented some same quesions like php_mhash.dll,php_msql,php_mysql.dll....
I can not solve to the problem,seeking helps.Hi,
some of the PHP extensions need other dlls. There's a file in the zip package named install.txt that contains a list of the extensions and which dlls they depend on.
Copy these dlls (they are in the PHP root directory) to the system32 directory. Then restart the web server.
Thomasif you have the correct extension_dir setting in php.ini then you need not copy the extension to php root/windows system directory