{SOLVED] MagicLine Navigation: @font-face embedded fonts! (Firefox and Opera)


New Member
my first question here:) I'm new...UPDATE: This Problem only occurs in Mozilla Firefox and Opera! (at least with me^^)UPDATE 2: Problem solved: The script which sets the width for the slider had a document.ready function. In Mozilla and Opera the font was loaded AFTER the script. That is why the script fetched the wrong width (it fetched the width from a default font).Instead of: jQuery(document).ready(function($) {my script now starts with:$(window).bind("load", function() {That makes sure that the script is loaded after the complete site (including the font)The Problem WAS the following:So this is my current project I am working on:http://petepetepete.bplaced.net/wordpress/wp-content/themes/default/20_Allach_Wws.phpI am using the MagicLine Navigation on my sub-navigation with the cool orange Slider where it sais:"GESCHICHTE HEUTE etc."Problem is, when i am using an embedded font like "Blanch Caps" or "Rondalo" or any other font that is embedded via @font-face, the orange slider has a wrong size on the links when these are NOT hovered. Once they are hovered it transforms itself to the correct size.Now when you click on one of the links (for example on "Glaubensbekenntnis") you can see that the slider is not staying above the link correctly but instead offset to the right!The thing is: when i use a font that everyone has already installed and is not embedded via @font-face (for example arial), everything works perfect! Even with "Blanch Caps" or "Rondalo". They just need to be installed and they must not be embedded via @font-face.Example:http://petepetepete.bplaced.net/wordpress/wp-content/themes/default/20_Allach_Wws_working.phpBut really, not everyone has "Blanch Caps" installed. So how to solve this "bug". I really would like to use these fonts on this website.Any further help appreciated^^