Please see example: have a page that aligns to center, 1020px wide. I then want ads on the left and right of it contained in divs that do not cause is part of the code that will display the ads:\[code\].majorad-container {height: 1px;left: 50%;margin: auto auto auto -1250px;overflow: visible;position: absolute;width: 2500px;z-index: 20;}.adscrollleft {background: url("") repeat-y scroll right top #0A080B;cursor: pointer;float: left;height: 120px;margin-top: -20px;width: 720px;}.adscrollright {background: url("") repeat-y scroll left top #0A080B;cursor: pointer;float: right;height: 120px;margin-top: -20px;width: 720px;}\[/code\]If i use position: fixed for .majorad-container - no x scrolling, but i want the ad to scroll up with the page. I hope that explains my problem well, any solutions?