soapui and expected results in XQuery expression


New Member
An excerpt of an XML:\[code\] <ns4:Meldingen> <ns4:MeldingKey> <ns4:Nummer></ns4:Nummer> <ns4:Locale></ns4:Locale> <ns4:Kanaal></ns4:Kanaal> <ns4:Severity>Error</ns4:Severity> <ns4:Argumenten> <ns4:Argument></ns4:Argument> </ns4:Argumenten> <ns4:Module></ns4:Module> <ns4:Routine></ns4:Routine> </ns4:MeldingKey> </ns4:Meldingen>\[/code\]XQuery script for returning data :\[code\]<Result>{ for $x in //Meldingen/MeldingKey return<Severity>{data($x/Severity/text())}</Severity>}</Result>\[/code\]My Expected results is more than one match:\[code\] <Result> <Severity>Succes</Severity> </Result> <Result> <Severity>SuccesWithErrors</Severity> </Result>\[/code\]The problem i am facing is that XQuery can only return one value of severity at the same time. Is it possible in soapui to assert on the 2 possible severities. So if XQuery returns Succes or SuccesWithErrors than the expectation is met otherwise it fails.