SOAP & PHP: Point me in the right direction


New Member
Okay,I need to use a SOAP Web Service API for a web application called Pressero.I don't really know anything about SOAP or how it actually works, so bear with me. I understand that it is essentially XML, and I've read through the tutorial on w3.My question is, how do I actually start using this? PHP was my first thought, and I thought something along the lines of this would work:\[code\]$client = new SoapClient("");$result = $client->Method($parameters);\[/code\]However, I'm confused. The documentation that Pressero provided for their API does not include a link to a WSDL file, nor can I find information about it anywhere. Also, it seems like I don't need to write any XML using PHP, which is confusing because the documentation also talks about the fact that in the body of my SOAP envelope, each call needs to include an extra set of authentication parameters.So could someone tell me what I need to actually do? Do I need to create the SOAP server?Thanks, and help will be appreciated.