I'm trying to figure out which part of my program is causing this error.I have multiple pages that all inherit from \[code\]PageBase\[/code\]. They get their user profile from \[code\]PageBase\[/code\]. This is the function that gets their user name from \[code\]PageBase\[/code\]:\[code\]uiProfile = ProfileManager.FindProfilesByUserName(CompanyHttpApplication.Current.Profile.UserName)\[/code\]In the \[code\]CompanyHttpApplication\[/code\] I have\[code\] public static CompanyHttpApplication Current { get { return (CompanyHttpApplication)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance; } }\[/code\]and\[code\] public CompanyProfileInfo Profile { get { return profile ?? (profile = ProfileManager.FindProfilesByUserName(ProfileAuthenticationOption.Authenticated, User.Identity.Name).Cast <CompanyProfileInfo>().ToList().First()); } private set { profile = value; } }\[/code\]Unfortunately I did not write this section of the code and the programmer who did it is no longer on the project. Is there any one that can explain to me why, when another user logs in (while I am using the application), I become that user?