SMTPmail.send(string) error....


Staff member
Hi, i've written a email function to send email. that function worked on my local machine (xp) and my local server (win2k3).

when copy that code to a production server (win2k3), I get run time error.

The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x800ccc69. The server response was 550 Service not available

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x800ccc69. The server response was 550 Service not available

information about that production server:
1: it never run any .net application before, this is gonna be the first one (and i turned on the feature from admin policy)
2: its locate at the remote site, and block by a cisco firewall, when i try to traceroute the server, i get a brunch of * as return, i think it blocks most of the port)
3: only port i notice is open so far is http, vpn, ftp. i'm not sure what else is open, i think i need to ping my way through.

thanks for helpThis error message indicates that the CDONTS library (the stuff under the hood) was unable to connect to or deliver the message to the specified SMTP server.

In other words te Dot Net framework tried to make a TCP port 25 connection to the server you specified.
When trying to do so either:

1) It couldnt even make the tcp connection
2) It made the TCP connection to a valid SMTP service but the SMTP service refused to relay the message. (All SMTP servers do not relay for everyone to every destination email)

Good Luck


Web application development (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)tcwicks, thanks for ur respond.

talked to the IT people who manage the server at the remote location, turns out you are right; they blocked port 25 and I have to re-route the SMTP call through somewhere else.

so now its working :)