SmtpMail problem. Please help.


New Member
hi,<BR><BR>whenever i try to send an email using SmtpMail.Send i get this response:<BR><BR>550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for...<BR><BR>my SmtpMail.SmtpServer is set to "localhost" and i have the Smtp server component installed in my WinXP. i will greatly appreciate if someone could point out the problem as i've hit the wall.<BR><BR>thanks.<BR>Check your relay restrictions under the SMTP control panel (in the MMC). It's not the asp code that is causing the return error, it is your SMTP server configuration.<BR><BR>i have set it so:<BR><BR>Select which computer may relay through this virtual server:<BR><All except listed below><BR><BR>and i have not listed anything. but when i try again, it still says that relaying is not allowed. anything else i should change? thanks.<BR><BR>w.kaiI wish I could test this right now (have to wait to get home) but I vaguely remember adding an alias for "localhost" under the "domains" section in the config.<BR><BR>I could be wrong but it's prolly worth a try. I'll test it when I return home.