SMTP mail server


New Member
hi guys,

I want a server SMTP, login and password for my forum!

to send mail to my members when they suscribe to my forum or want to recover their password!

I have one but it don't work !

Please help me
yes! the probleme is that i haven't smtp login and adress to put in vboption! actually i deactived notification by email inmy forum! so i want just a count of smtp and know how can i parameter it into vboption to able to send email to my members

In order for you to setup the SMTP (usually), you need to have a POP3 email account or a free mail account that will allow you to access their SMTP server. In a typical example, you would have an email account setup in your cPanel and it usually points to the SMTP server for your domain. for example your SMTP server might be You login to using something like [email protected] / password and that lets your email client read/download the messages that are there and send what is in your email queue for the email cleint you are using.

The vBulletin SMTP setup uses this same information to send out notifications.

gmail has a setup for using their SMTP server the same way but I think its a little flakey lately. You can check their site for the latest configuration information which is a little different than I have described but works the same way.

SMTP Server / Host = (gmail uses
username = [email protected] (or any valid SMTP account on that server)
password = same as POP3 password.

Port is usually 25 ( gmail is a special port you will need to look it up)

thk but i want to use my gmail account! but gmail use TLS! so how can i configure it with my gmail account?i have already put gmail account

with this informations

Adresse sur serveur: tls://
Port du serveur: 465
Méthode d’identification: PLAIN
Nom d’utilisateur SMTP: votre identifiant gmail, sous la forme: “[email protected]
Mot de passe SMTP: votre mot de passe gmail.

like this :
My config

Hôte SMTP:
Port SMTP: 465
Nom d’utilisateur SMTP: my gmail mail like: “[email protected]
Mot de passe SMTP: my gmail password.
Connexion SMTP sécurisée : TLS

that's correctly configured?
Set it to SSL, not TLS and check with your host if OpenSSL support is compiled into PHP as this is required for this to work.
Before you can use gmail SMTP, you have to enable POP.

You can retrieve your Gmail messages with a client or device that supports POP, like Microsoft Outlook or Netscape Mail.

To enable POP in Gmail:

1. Sign in to Gmail.
2. Click Settings at the top of any Gmail page.
3. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

Gmail POP Settings

4. Select Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on.
5. Choose the action you'd like your Gmail messages to take after they are accessed with POP.
6. Configure your POP client* and click Save Changes.

Next up, SMTP.

Configure your client to match the settings below:
Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 995
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS: (use authentication)
Use Authentication: Yes
Use STARTTLS: Yes (some clients call this SSL)
Port: 465 or 587
Account Name: your full email address (including or
Email Address: your email address ([email protected] or
Password: your Gmail password

Unless you're using recent mode to download mail to multiple clients, make sure you've opted not to leave messages on the server. Your Gmail settings determine whether or not messages stay on the server, so this setting in your client won't affect how Gmail handles your mail.

Please note that if your client does not support SMTP authentication, you won't be able to send mail through your client using your Gmail address.

Also, if you're having trouble sending mail but you've confirmed that encyrption is active for SMTP in your mail client, try to configure your SMTP server on a different port: 465 or 587.

You're now ready to use POP with your Gmail address.
i see now!
all right but if i want to configure Vbulletin forum 3.8.1 with all information you give, how can i do it?

I must SSL or TLS in vbulletin to able to send mail?
SSL and its in the dropdown menu for SMTP Secure Connection in vboptions for SMTP

This configuration you have should be correct but its SSL instead of TLS

Hôte SMTP:
Port SMTP: 465
Nom d’utilisateur SMTP: my gmail mail like: “[email protected]”
Mot de passe SMTP: my gmail password.
Connexion SMTP sécurisée : TLS

When you get it configured, run the email test in Maintenance>Diagnostics to make sure it is correct.