Smf - How Do You Change The Banner?


Hi,<br /> I installed the smf on my site, but the top banner says "" and I want to change it to something else. Is there a simple way to do this? Keep in mind that I don't know html or anything about scrips etc. I use NVU (WYSIWYG) so keep it simple if possible....<br />thanks, youneverknow<!--content-->
Not sure if this will help, but have a look at <a href="" target="_blank">this thread</a> and see if it helps.<br /><br />Also, I modified this threads title so people with similar questions may find it easy.<!--content-->
Wow!<br /> That's too much for my senile there another one click install in cpanel for a different forum<br />like the one Bill likes (IPB)<br />Thanks youneverknow<!--content-->
You will still need to edit the html code in any forum to customize it.<br />SMF is the best free forum and can be upgraded in the admin panel quicky with a few mouse clicks.<!--content-->
Hi Don,<br />you said that it could be done in the admin area with a few mouse clicks.....<br />could you be more specific? Thanks, youneverknow<!--content-->
When you log in to your SMF admin panel and there is a forum upgrade available<br />you will see a prompt to click here to upgrade,<br />just follow the prompts to download and install.<br />It really just a few mouse clicks.<!--content-->