Small help saving to txt file


New Member
Hello there so I just setup this basic poll, I inspired myself from something I found out there, and it's just a basic ajax poll that waves the results in a text file.Although I was wondering, since I do not want the user to simply mass-click to advantage / disadvantage the results, i thought about adding a new text file that could simply save the IP, one on each line, and then checks if it's already logged, if yes, display the results, if not, show the poll.My lines of code to save the result are:\[code\] <?php$vote = $_REQUEST['vote'];$filename = "votes.txt";$content = file($filename);$array = explode("-", $content[0]);$yes = $array[0];$no = $array[1];if ($vote == 0) { $yes = $yes + 1; }if ($vote == 1) { $no = $no + 1; }$insert = $yes."-".$no;$fp = fopen($filename,"w");fputs($fp,$insert);fclose($fp);?>\[/code\]So I'd like to know how I could check out the IPs, in the same way it does basically.And I'm not interested in database, even for security measures, I'm alright with what Ive got.Thanks to any help!