small graphic problem


I have 2 small gif files that i use to mark freeware and shareware links on my site. They are about 1 to 2kb eack. 20x20 pixels. Half the time they do not show up, i have to right click and hit show picture.<br />
Any way to cure this problem? a java script that refreshed onlt the pics and not the page maybe?<br />
Thanks<!--content-->link to your site? I have never had this problem before but you might just try preloading the images, you cannot refresh an image and why would you want to, it would strain the server and the client if done often enough.<!--content-->one of the pages that does this is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Strain the server? it's 1kb, and it is supposed to show up on it's own and is not. so how is refreshing the pic and not the page straining the server?<br />
I don't mean refresh every so many seconds, just once about .5 seconds after the page is loaded.<!--content-->they all loaded for me. Sounds like ur browser settings are off. Make sure it is not just ignoring images after a period of time. Yes small images can strain a server if you have to Download <!--more--> a bunch of 1 k images 2 times per image on a high traffic site.<!--content-->it happens on many different pc's i have tried.<br />
There are only two pics to Download <!--more-->, that's 2kb, the multiple instances you see are all the same file.<!--content-->are you talking about the two banners on the left side? Well an image refresh might work... except for the fact that there is no way to do it. It is not even possible, unless you put them in a frame or iframe which is bad for accessability.<!--content-->not the banner, the little FW icons next to the links to the mp3 players all the way down the page.<br />
I just had a guy try it from another computer across town, and they screw up on his too.<!--content-->go here and refresh a bunch of times<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
see what happens<!--content-->404d, that and the site in the first post are down, check your server.<!--content-->i think there is a problem with themain isp around here. Our server is up and i can get to it. But i cannot get to a lot of sites outside the centurytel area.<!--content-->the FW work in all of my browsers.<br />
yes probably a problem with your ISP<!--content-->