Small Error, help.


New Member
Hello, well I have this small problem on my forum. when I make a thread or reply to a thread, I get a message that says "I have posted 1 times in this thread today" rather then showing the actual graphic to tell me.

but when I have 2 or more reply's to any thread everything is normal. does anyone have any idea to as why this is happening?

check out the image to see the problem.
Also some skins are messed up and have certain images renamed when they're not supposed to be. Check what image it's looking for. Re-upload the statusicon directory and check if the image it's looking for is renamed to xyz-ltr.png or something instead of xyz.png.
The graphics seem to be okay. it seems to happend only when I create a thread and no one has posted yet, then the message shows up. but when someone else posts in the thread, the little graphic will now show up instead of the text message.

so it seems it happens when you create a new thread with no posts in the following thread you have created, then you get the text message, now when someone posts, you will get the graphic.

maybe its a code problem somewhere in the template?