slow google data-centers....


New Member
I've noticed that a number of the data-centers are slower at updating - this is leading to radically different numbers of results, and actually, different results!Check this out: ... web+designhttp:// - the top two have 233,000,000 results - we're number 1.The bottom 3 have 207,000,000 results today - the figure was 199,000,000 results yesterday... we're still nowhere in the results... any ideas why some data-centers seem to be creeping along at updating, while others are breaking land speed records?It has to do with the update that has been going on for a little over a - I've been noticing this for over a month. Some data-centers are seemingly ALWAYS out of step with the bottom data-center is 153,000,000 - down from 207,000,000 this morning...Most of the data centers are showing your site as #1 for me...The one that did not seems to have a cache date of May 22 and May23 on the first couple of entries. Maybe they are loading different versions to compare historical data?Googleguy sayz Quote: