I have the following slide show that works just fine in NS but won't work in IE.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: CodeLifter.com (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->) -->
<!-- Begin
// Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds)
var slideShowSpeed = 5000;
// Duration of crossfade (seconds)
var crossFadeDuration = 3;
// Specify the image files
var Pic = new Array();
// to add more images, just continue
// the pattern, adding to the array below
Pic[0] = 'images/MarH0022V.jpg'
Pic[1] = 'Message-1W.jpg'
Pic[2] = 'images/NicM0421V.jpg'
Pic[3] = 'Message-2W.jpg'
Pic[4] = 'images/JarB0035V.jpg'
Pic[5] = 'Message-3W.jpg'
Pic[7] = 'Message-4W.jpg'
Pic[6] = 'images/SteP0004V.jpg'
// do not edit anything below this line
var t;
var j = 0;
var p = Pic.length;
var preLoad = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
preLoad = new Image();
preLoad.src = Pic;
function runSlideShow() {
if (document.all) {
document.images.SlideShow.src = preLoad[j].src;
if (document.all) {
j = j + 1;
if (j > (p - 1)) j = 0;
t = setTimeout('runSlideShow()', slideShowSpeed);
// End -->
<BODY onload="runSlideShow()" bgcolor="#484848"><BR clear="all">
<TABLE border="0" width="365" height="385" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc">
<TD width="45" bgcolor="#000000"></TD>
<TD align="center" height="325" bgcolor="#000000"><IMG src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"DiaJ0468V.gif" name="SlideShow"></TD>
<TD width="45" bgcolor="#000000"></TD>
It seems simple enough, but I can't identify what may be going wrong in IE.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: CodeLifter.com (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->) -->
<!-- Begin
// Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds)
var slideShowSpeed = 5000;
// Duration of crossfade (seconds)
var crossFadeDuration = 3;
// Specify the image files
var Pic = new Array();
// to add more images, just continue
// the pattern, adding to the array below
Pic[0] = 'images/MarH0022V.jpg'
Pic[1] = 'Message-1W.jpg'
Pic[2] = 'images/NicM0421V.jpg'
Pic[3] = 'Message-2W.jpg'
Pic[4] = 'images/JarB0035V.jpg'
Pic[5] = 'Message-3W.jpg'
Pic[7] = 'Message-4W.jpg'
Pic[6] = 'images/SteP0004V.jpg'
// do not edit anything below this line
var t;
var j = 0;
var p = Pic.length;
var preLoad = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
preLoad = new Image();
preLoad.src = Pic;
function runSlideShow() {
if (document.all) {
document.images.SlideShow.src = preLoad[j].src;
if (document.all) {
j = j + 1;
if (j > (p - 1)) j = 0;
t = setTimeout('runSlideShow()', slideShowSpeed);
// End -->
<BODY onload="runSlideShow()" bgcolor="#484848"><BR clear="all">
<TABLE border="0" width="365" height="385" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc">
<TD width="45" bgcolor="#000000"></TD>
<TD align="center" height="325" bgcolor="#000000"><IMG src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"DiaJ0468V.gif" name="SlideShow"></TD>
<TD width="45" bgcolor="#000000"></TD>
It seems simple enough, but I can't identify what may be going wrong in IE.