Sliced image jumbled up in IE 6


Hello there!<br />
<br />
I don't know if this problem is tied to Dreamweaver or if it's a general problem. I created an image in Fireworks and sliced it up to create bitmap buttons. When I open it in Dreamweaver, and preview it in 'Internet Explorer 6', the images within the 'Firework table' becomes jumbled. If I press F11 to clear the top part of the browser the sliced image looks perfect and if I press F11 again it's still perfect. If I preview it in 'Netscape Communicator 4.6' the image previews perfectly on its first loading.<br />
Any light shed on this problem would be much appreciated - Cheers.<!--content-->either post a link or give us some code - could be any number of problems, and until you let people see what's going on all you're gonna get is stabs in the dark!<!--content-->