I have a java script function which fires on \[code\]onblur()\[/code\] event of the body.\[code\] function start() { var el = document.getElementById('divWarning'); el.style.visibility = "visible"; }\[/code\]Fires on:\[code\]<body onblur="start()">\[/code\]It's working fine on every page. Except the one in which I have included a CKEditor.\[code\]<CKEditor:CKEditorControl ID="txtDescriptiveAnswer" runat="server" Width="75%" UIColor="#54b2ff" BorderColor="#007cdf" BorderWidth="2px" Toolbar="Source|-|Preview Bold|Italic|Underline|Strike|-|Subscript|Superscript JustifyLeft|JustifyCenter|JustifyRight|JustifyBlock NumberedList|BulletedList|-|Outdent|Indent|Blockquote|Styles|Format|Font|FontSize|TextColor|BGColor|Maximize" BasePath="../ckeditor"> </CKEditor:CKEditorControl>\[/code\]Every time I click on CKeditor to write somthing, The onblur event fires up. I know that CkEditor have an IFrame which is I think making the problem. But I don't know how to skip the blur event for CkEditor only.Please help.