I need to create a layer that occupies a full size of the available frame, but for a 20px gap on top. How do I do this?
I tried WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100%; MARGIN-TOP: 20px, but this produces immediate scrollbars as total height = 100% + 20px which is > 100%.
I couldn't use TOP: 20px, because then my height is not calculable (it would have to be "100%-20px" which won't do)
Thanks in advance for any helpPlease don't cross post - it wastes people's time.
(Having said that, this is a better place for the question than in the html forum).I'm working on a similar problem. The scroll bars appear because your height and width are set to 100% making them size to 100% of the "containing element". So if the containing element is <body>, then your div will be the same size but offset by the position of the div.
You could change the divs height and width to a smaller % if that works for you and you know what it is. I'm just trying to figure out a cleaner and more automatic way to do that.drhowarddrfine,
See if this helps : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bonrouge.com/br.php?page=faq#hundredpercentThanks">http://bonrouge.com/br.php?page=faq#hun ... centThanks</a><!-- m --> for that. I'm posting a different topic about my current problem.
I tried WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100%; MARGIN-TOP: 20px, but this produces immediate scrollbars as total height = 100% + 20px which is > 100%.
I couldn't use TOP: 20px, because then my height is not calculable (it would have to be "100%-20px" which won't do)
Thanks in advance for any helpPlease don't cross post - it wastes people's time.
(Having said that, this is a better place for the question than in the html forum).I'm working on a similar problem. The scroll bars appear because your height and width are set to 100% making them size to 100% of the "containing element". So if the containing element is <body>, then your div will be the same size but offset by the position of the div.
You could change the divs height and width to a smaller % if that works for you and you know what it is. I'm just trying to figure out a cleaner and more automatic way to do that.drhowarddrfine,
See if this helps : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bonrouge.com/br.php?page=faq#hundredpercentThanks">http://bonrouge.com/br.php?page=faq#hun ... centThanks</a><!-- m --> for that. I'm posting a different topic about my current problem.