Site temporary crashes for no reason !!


Hi guys,


Here is the problem:

i have developed a web site using ASP.NET(C#) connecting to an SQL Server 2000 Database. The web site works fine. but sometimes when i click a link to an ASP.NET page (connecting to the database) i get an error saying:

"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation."

the funny thing is when I refresh the page or try to link again .. it works !!!!!!!! i have reviewed all my codes and statements , nothing seems out of place !

what's the cause of this problem ??

u can see what i mean by visiting:

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

trying browsing the site .. and u will stumble accross the error, i am sure ! the error does not appear in any specific page , it seems like a random error

please help .. my project depends on your help

thank you very much for your time

Yasser H. Youssef
Application Developerwell it isn't a code error... it is a server error. Are you the server admin?

I was not able to come up with the error... the only errors I got were http 404s.