Site shows only on RELOAD in Netscape - help!


I have a site at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> that in Netscape doesn't show right away. Each page on that site needs to be reloaded before it shows up.<br />
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I have never seen anything like this in years of doing web design... I know Netscape won't show a site that's missing a table tag, but this one is ok as long as you click RELOAD. <br />
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Could you please take a look and help me? Would be greatly appreciated!<br />
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Warmly,<br />
Milana.<!--content-->You are right that it will not show correctly in netscape 4.6 it will in leter versions.<br />
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However you are wrong in saying that you haven't missed a table tag. You have missed many in terms of </td>, </tr>, you have also inserted a </table> where no table was commenced. Your TAG nesting is also all over the place. I suggest you have another good look at it. <br />
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<hint>Don't upper case your tags or attributes. HTML is to become case sensitive for many reasons so keep it all low case.</hint><!--content-->that is correct. NS renders tables very seriously. <br />
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it loads just fine in NS4.79 and I wouldn't worry to much about NS4.6 as I have not had one hit from that browser in months.<br />
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I don't see any end table tags like entimp but I do see some out of place center tags.<br />
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the table tags look ok.<!--content-->My mistake, I've just had another look. I still think the HTML code be far tidier. I guess I was in a rush before going to work tonight. <br />
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Perhaps the source has been changed since? It was about 4 hours prior to your post scoutt. Who knows.<!--content-->oh that could be true. and I agree that it could be tidier or rearranged better to you can read it.<!--content-->