Site Menus

Hi, I'm new to this forum. :) I've got a question about a website's content menu (usually to the left). You've probably seen them, such as:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . My question is how are they updated? Such site probably have thousands of pages. I don't think that it is likely that for a single change in the menu would mean the webmaster would have to change the menu code for ALL the thousands of pages. How is such a website updated?<!--content-->most use includes that will inlcude a file (.txt or .html) that only contains the menu. this way all they have to do is change one file and it reflects all the pages. to do includes you have to use SSI (server side includes, .shtml) or a server side language like PHP, ASP, or perl (cgi).<!--content-->There is another way if you have Dreamweaver in that you can create a template and base the rest of your site's pages on that. Then when you update the template it will automatically modify all the pages based upon its design.<br />
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Personally, DW4 templates and I don't exactly see eye to eye and we often fall out. Nowadays I use 'includes' as described in scoutt's post.<!--content-->