Site Help?


Hi all<br />
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Hopefully this is the right place to get some help with my problem.<br />
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Fistly the link to my site is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and these are the problems I have:<br />
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1. everytime I refresh a page within my site I automatically find myself back at my index page,would there be a reason for this? I was uploading a new page which didnt work right away(still doesnt, but does on my hard drive), I therefore refreshed it and went "Home", most annoying.<br />
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2. My front page also takes forever to load, and its not the graphics cos they are commpressed as far as they will go, and if it is the main image why does the rest of the page not load while waiting. All people get to look at is blank.<br />
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Hopefully some kind person could help me with my problem,I have tried a validator but am not techical enough to figure out what it I use 1st Page 2000 and am self taught.....and therein lies the problem. I have more questions but need a place to start,so here is good enough.<br />
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Thankyou all<br />
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Michele<!--content-->Your problem is you are refreshing a frameset... it will reload what ever docs are defined in that frameset. <br />
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I have seen pages where the site refreshes the current content but I think that is browser dependant. There might be code to stop it happening but none that I know of.<br />
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As for slow loading... that is the heaps of HTML you have in the documents. I havent the time to read it right now... but there is an awful lot there for something that can be achieved quite simply with less code.<br />
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Hope that helps.<!--content-->your graphics may be compressed as far as they go but they are still to big, <br />
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banner is 51K<br />
front is 38K<br />
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for a modem user a page shouldn't be no more than 10-20K and you are well over it. and yes that counts the images too.<!--content-->Hi, Michele! Welcome to the zoo!<br />
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I can tell you what's happening when I visit your site, but that's about it. For starters, I didn't have any trouble refreshing any of the pages I visited and that was most of them, I think. (Nice work, btw). <br />
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But there was one consistent error that showed up and that had something to do with your menu scripting. Sometimes it would be the "Galleries" menu that would lock up, and sometimes it would be the "Download <!--more-->s" menu, depending on which one I came closest to. I think I had them both lock up at one point. <br />
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I'd mouse over one of them and I'd get an alert pop-up saying there was a scripting error. If I continued, any of the other menus would show up, but the original wouldn't go away, and that's the page that I'd end up going to, regardless of what other link I'd clicked. <br />
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If I didn't continue despite the scripting errors, none of the links would work.<br />
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If you're constantly being sent back to your home page, it could well be that it's the "Home" part that's locking up for you. <br />
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As for the slow loading time, I'd noticed that. And your images are a fair size for a web page. I'm seeing at least one 50k image. If you're preloading the images, that might be why the text isn't showing before the images. <br />
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Unlike Entimp, I haven't figured out how to get to the code part of your page, but if you've got some extra code in the header, especially, that would slow things down.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Wow, lot to take in, would your advice be to start over and keep it more simple? I can work on the images, thanks for the advice for the size of the page,that gives me something to work on.<br />
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The menu was created with Sothink DHTML Menu, I assume this is part of the problem that you had Pegasus, I have no idea how to create a simple drop down menu that works for everyone on the web. Maybe I will go back to static links.<br />
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Entip, thanks for pointing out I have way too much code, I have to agree so I will work on ways to reduce it.<br />
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Anymore comments?<br />
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Thanks heaps<br />
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Michele<!--content-->well you could start over and make it simple but if you like the page then why would you? for starters I would make the images smaller. you need to cut them down to size (width & height) so the page loads faster.<br />
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why are you using frames? you don't even have a page load in the other one. you are just fowarding to another page is all you are doing. <br />
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that is also not right. you want a frame doctype<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"><!--content-->OK I had no idea I was using frames so thanks for pointing that out.<br />
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Does the drop down menu workor should I go for static links....any advice?<br />
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Thanks again<br />
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Michele<!--content-->well, the menu worked for me, but as you seen not all of it works correctly how you want.<!--content-->Thanks all, I have decided to scrap the drop down menu as there was so much code I could have wallpapered my lounge room with it, as soon as I took it out the page loads much faster, still working on the images though, cant lose them cos I'm rather attached to them so I trying to skin them down as much as I can.<br />
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With regards to the frames code, I have this"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">" at the top of the this correct? No too sure about the transitional bit.<br />
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Thanks again<br />
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Michele<!--content-->as long as you are not using frames that is fine<!--content-->