site downloading


I have now redone my main web page and have spent all day converting a WMP file to a WAV and compressed it using a great tutorial I found on the web. Would someone please have a look and let me know if firstly it will work in netscape and secondly how long it takes to load.<br />
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Would someone also have any idea where I could find a good programme for converting Windows media files to wav files.<br />
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Many thanks<br />
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Terry<br />
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site is at<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hello mate check this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) link for a few possible file converters.<br />
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BTW I really like the temp/time clockface on your page!<br />
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When I clicked on it though it took me to another page which took ages to load, and I'm on ISDN here at work.<br />
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It has a lot of Gifs and seems a little script-heavy. but this is just my humble opinion.<br />
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dirtystim<br />
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workers unite!<!--content-->HI , <br />
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I'm on 56k , it takes me long long time to load your site ( about 1min 14 sec ) . I suggest that you shouldn't use wav format . flash is better for you , you can make animation with your main picture beside , you can add mp3 or wav sound with high compress ratio <br />
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Check this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> background sound is 243k flash 1x1 pixel . original mp3 is 3548k i compressed to 11025Mhz 8 bitrate , incredible huh ? :) try it .<!--content-->Many thanks for your valued comments, I have decided to remove the WAV and the link on the weather box and will look at the compressing issue. It does help to get an outside view as it will be others who will be logging in and with lower modem rates.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Terry<!--content-->Site looks nice, I would however make your left nave frame not horizontally scrollable. I don't really know why it is... none of the links go outside the borders, you prolly just have the width= set wrong. :D<!--content-->Russell<br />
Thanks for your reply, could you elaborate on your message as I am fairly new to this and am not sure what you mean.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Terry<!--content-->Leave it scrollable for people with smaller screen sizes or use smaller text if you are going to remove the scrolling from your menu. You can add it to your frame tag;<br />
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<frame src="url" scrolling="no"><!--content-->Hi!<br />
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Your site looks nice, and load in matters of second (I am on ISDN).<br />
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But it was difficult for me read what Dr Martin Luther King said - medium light blue on dark blue really difficult to read.<!--content-->Thanks for your feedback Mohammad, I will sort the text color out tonight.<br />
Regards<br />
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