Single Producer Single Consumer now I Need Multiple Consumers


New Member
I have a Situation where I wrote a simple Producer Consumer model for reading in chunks of data from Bluetooth then every 10k bytes I write that to file. I used a standard P-C Model using a Vector as my message holder. So how do I change this so that multiple Thread consumers can read the same messages, I think the term would be Multicaster? I am actually using this on an Android phone so JMS is probably not an option.\[code\]static final int MAXQUEUE = 50000; private Vector<byte[]> messages = new Vector<byte[]>(); /** * Put the message in the queue for the Consumer Thread */private synchronized void putMessage(byte[] send) throws InterruptedException { while ( messages.size() == MAXQUEUE ) wait(); messages.addElement( send ); notify(); } /** * This method is called by the consumer to see if any messages in the queue */public synchronized byte[] getMessage()throws InterruptedException { notify(); while ( messages.size() == 0 && !Thread.interrupted()) { wait(1); } byte[] message = messages.firstElement(); messages.removeElement( message ); return message; } \[/code\]I am referencing code from an Oreilly book Message Parser section