Single Apostrophe Parse issues ASP CLASSIC


New Member
I have users uploading data from an excel file to my server, parsed, and then displayed on my website. I have an issue where if the user has a single apostrophe in the excel file it will cut off everything after it. This is because both sql(used to grab the excel data) and the asp classic code(used to display dynamic html data) are interpreting this as a field delimiter. I used php to process the excel file and replace the apostrophe with whatever character I desire. I attempted to use escape versions of apostrophe to no avail "\'", "''","\'\'", "'". This is because even the though they fix the issue with the sql grabbing the data properly, the ASP code continues to cut off characters before it can be displayed. I ended up using "**" as the replacement for apostrophe to get past the sql, but must convert it back to an apostrophe before it is outputted for the user by the ASP:\[code\]formString= formString & "<tr>" & _"<td align='left'><input name='FirstName' type='text' size='9' maxlength='12' value='"&replace(someUglyString,"**","'")&"'></td>"\[/code\]Has anyone come across this? any ideas?