New Member
I've recently installed VS 2012 and .net Framework 4.5, and everything is mostly ok, except that I occasionally get the error:This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode.I of course have Managed pipeline mode: Integrated in IIS.\[code\]protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e){ var st = new StackTrace(true); string message = String.Format("Redirect to url: {0}, Stack Trace:\r\n{1}", url, st); Trace.TraceInformation(message);}protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e){ Trace.Listeners.Add(new OurAspTraceListener(Context));}\[/code\]And the Custom Trace listener is pretty simple.\[code\]private class OurAspTraceListener : TraceListener{ private readonly HttpContext _context; public OurAspTraceListener(HttpContext context) { _context = context; _context.Trace.IsEnabled = true; } public override void Write(string message) { _context.Trace.Write(message); // it's throwing here. } public override void WriteLine(string message) { _context.Trace.Write(message); } }\[/code\]It's really weird because if I just hit refresh it continues without any problem. Any help would is appreciated,Thanks.