SimpleModal PHP login form : how to redirect on success/failure


New Member
Hope you can help. A bit of a jQuery/AJAX newb here.I have a basic SimpleModal login form that may be called from the homepage of my site.login.js calls the login.php script that checks my database for a user's credentials.If the login is successful I set a few session variables and I usually use the header command to send the user to their personal page (or the error page on login failure).eg. header("Location:restricted/index.php");I can't get the modal login form to close and the parent homepage to redirect to the member page. I'm usually left with the blank modal square saying "Thank You" If i try to close the modal form with\[code\]success: function (data) { $('#login-container .login-loading').fadeOut(200, function () { $('#login-container .login-title').html('Thank you!'); msg.html(data).fadeIn(200); $.modal.close(); //have inserted this line });},\[/code\]the modal closes but I am left on the homepage. (The user is logged in at this stage but the redirect has not happened).I've been kicking this around for a day or 2. I had a look at the wordpress login plugin but I am none the wiser. Any ideas?