I am trying to find a way to iterate through an XML recordset containing a namespace. However, I don't know the field names in advance. Sample XML is below.\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><string xmlns="http://www.site.com/SMART/Updates"><NewDataSet> <record> <FIELD1>data1</FIELD1> <FIELD2>data2</FIELD2> <FIELD3>data3</FIELD3> </record> <record> <FIELD1>data1</FIELD1> <FIELD2>data2</FIELD2> <FIELD3>data3</FIELD3> </record></NewDataSet>\[/code\]Again, I won't know the field names in advance. I need read the namespace, find the name of the root element ("NewDataSet", in this case) and then need to get the field names and values of the individual elements. I have tried to use $xml->getname(), and $xml->xpath('\') to find the root element name, but been unable to crack it.